MINI Insured Warranty Services or MINI Roadside Assistance Services only ever uses any customer data it receives to carry out the services for which customers have signed up and with their agreement for details to be passed to named third parties for any other marketing activities.


We use tracking software to monitor customer traffic patterns and site usage to help us develop the design and layout of the site. This software does not enable us to capture any personally identifying information.


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

To get the most out of our website, your computer, tablet or mobile phone will need to accept cookies. However, you can restrict, block or delete cookies at any time by changing the cookie preferences in your browser.

Each browser is different, so please consult the 'Help' menu of your particular browser (or your mobile phone / tablet’s manual) to find out how to change your cookie preferences. Many browsers have universal privacy settings for you to choose from.

If you decline cookies, some features of our website may not work properly and you may not be able to access certain areas. For this reason we recommend that you accept cookies.
To learn more about cookies in general and how to manage them, please visit (opens in a new window - please note that we are not responsible for the content of external websites).


The table below explains the cookies we use and why:

Cookie Name Purpose More information
Session Cookie ASP.NET_SessionId This cookie allows our web servers to respond to your actions while you are browsing the website. The website wouldn’t work for you without it. This cookie will be deleted when you close your browser.
Flash Cookies (also known as Local Shared Objects cookies) On this website, we may display some content using Adobe Flash Player. Adobe uses Flash cookies to improve your experience as a user. Flash cookies are stored on your device in the same way as normal cookies, but your browser manages them differently. If you would like to disable or delete a Flash cookie, see Adobe Flashplayer Security Settings (opens in a new window - please note that we are not responsible for the content of external websites). Please bear in mind though, if you disable Flash cookies, you'll be unable to access certain types of content on the site.
YouTube Some of our web pages may contain embedded video content from YouTube. When you visit a page with an embedded YouTube video, or click to view the video, you may be presented with cookies from YouTube. We do not control the setting of these cookies. To find out more please visit YouTube´s embedding videos information page.
Hotjar _hjCachedUserAttributes, _hjIncludedInSample,
_hjid, _hjIncludedInPageviewSample,
_hjFirstSeen, _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress, _hjTLDTest
Cookies that allow us to tailor and measure the effectiveness of our website. To find out more please visit Hotjar´s help page.
Adobe s_vi
Adobe Analytics uses cookies to differentiate requests from different browsers and to store helpful information about those visits. These fall under the 'web audience measurement' category and can record things like: the number of users on a website, how long they stay on the site for and what parts of the site they visit. They help our website remember information about your visit, which can both make it easier to visit the site again and helps us make the site more useful to you. For more information, please visit:


We consider the security of our customer's Personal Information as an important and necessary part of the responsible management of our corporate data. We therefore take all reasonable steps to ensure that their information is secure and is safeguarded from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. All information is kept on a specifically designed database for our use. We will only disclose Personal Information with a customer's agreement and in order to fulfil our obligations in respect of the provision of services to our customers.


If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and in what circumstances we disclose it.


We know that when you purchase items or services online you want your personal details and your credit or debit card information to be private and secure. We are committed to providing this security for you.

Our secure-server software encrypts all the details in your online transaction. The encryption process takes the characters you enter and converts them into a coded form, which is then securely transmitted.

What this means for you:
- Your details are secure
- Your details are safely sent to us
- Your details will be held securely by us

If you have problems using our secure system, it may be that your browser does not support our encryption system. In this case, contact your browser provider (eg Netscape or Internet Explorer) for further advice.


MINI Insured Warranty, MINI Roadside Assistance and MINI Roadside Assistance Essential Insurance are underwritten by AWP P&C S.A., a company registered in France with ID No 519490080 RCS Paris. Registered Office: 7 Rue Dora Maar, 93400 Saint-Ouen, France, acting through its UK Branch, AWP P&C (UK Branch), Registered in the United Kingdom. Registered Branch No. BR015275. Registered Office: 102 George Street, Croydon CR9 6HD. Authorised and regulated by L’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution in France. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under Register No. 534384 and limited regulation by the PRA. Details about the extent of our regulation by the PRA are available from us on request.

This insurance is administered in the UK by AWP Assistance UK Ltd (trading as MINI Insured Warranty Services and MINI Roadside Assistance Services), Registered in England. Registration No. 1710361. Registered Office: 102 George Street, Croydon CR9 6HD. AWP Assistance UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Register No. 311909.

MINI Insurance Solutions is a trading name of BMW Financial Services (GB) Limited, who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, reference number 312578, Registered Office: Summit ONE, Summit Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 0FB.

BMW Financial Services (GB) Limited and AWP P&C S.A. are not part of the same Corporate Group.